Breaking it down. Silver’s Pro-Ageing Collagen Face Cream: the science

What do peptides and retinol do, and all the other magic ingredients in skincare products? Have you ever wondered what the science is behind the products you use on your skin?

You may see products online or in stores and wonder what they actually do. Especially when you barely recognise half the ingredients on the label. And there’s limited information about them. So, what exactly do peptides, retinol, collagen and so forth do for your skin?

Here at Silver, we’re about transparency. Knowing what you’re buying, and that it’s actually going to do what it claims to.

So, in the spirit of that, we’re going break down the ‘good stuff’ in our Pro-Ageing Collagen Face Cream for you. Packed with marine-derived collagen, retinol, and Vitamin C, it’s got the skin-loving ingredients to keep you looking your best, fresh faced self.

The importance of retinol

First up on our breakdown of ingredients is Retinyl Palmitate, or in simpler terms, a type of retinol. It is a combination of Vitamin A and the fatty acid palmitic acid. It’s a commonly used and gentler version of retinol, since many retinoids can be irritable to the skin. A retinol is a fat-soluble vitamin in the Vitamin A family. It’s needed for many different functions in the body, such as maintenance of skin, as it increases skin cell production.

…retinol is a fat-soluble vitamin in the Vitamin A family… it increases skin cell production

Our Pro-Ageing Collagen Face Cream is designed to give your skin a helping hand in the repair department. Retinyl palmitate smooths the texture of your skin, minimises fine lines and wrinkles, and boosts collagen. All of which will make you feel great about your skin.

Products that contain retinyl palmitate were used on photo-aged skin, and showed improvements in overall skin quality. It has also been shown to be an effective antioxidant.

Image shows woman laughing as she applies skincare cream to her face

What can collagen do for your skin?

As we’re all more than aware, our skin develops fine lines and wrinkles as we age. If we want to reduce this, we need to try and do all we can to keep our skin’s elasticity. Wrinkles appear, in part, because our collagen production decreases. As we get older our body naturally produces less collagen, as well as external factors taking a toll. Examples such as exposure to UV light, smoking, and excessive sugar, can be accountable for this decrease.

…collagen is the best kind of friend your mature skin can have

Collagen levels are so important to our skin, as 95 per cent of the dermis (the underlying skin layer) is made up of collagen proteins.  

We place such an emphasis on this wonder ingredient because it’s a structural protein which plays a vital role in providing your body with strength, structure, and support.

Put simply, collagen is the best kind of friend your mature skin can have. It can slow the ageing process by reducing wrinkles, and keep the appearance of skin firm and plump. In the Pro-Ageing Collagen Face Cream, we use marine collagen. This type of collagen is thought to be the most effective at skin support.

A clinical trial was undertaken with women aged between 45 to 60, which demonstrated the impact of collagen. It was observed that cheek skin elasticity significantly improved at six weeks, post-treatment. Isn’t it time you gave our collagen face cream a try? 

There’s no such thing as vegan collagen, so if you prefer, try out our Pro-Ageing Stem Cell Daily Serum instead, which is vegan.

Read more: The benefits of collagen in our diet

The magic of aloe vera  

A green Aloe vera plant, sliced in half with the gel oozing

(Image: Pixabay)

Yes – this is also in our cream. Who hasn’t been on holiday, laid on the beach relaxing for too long and gets back to their room with tragic sunburn? And I’m sure the first thing we would reach for is the aloe vera. No wonder, since it’s the most effective way to cool burns and sooth the skin. If you suffer from dry or damaged skin, small amounts of aloe vera daily can make a big difference to your complexion.

The Pro-Ageing Collagen Face Cream uses aloe barbadensis, more commonly known as aloe vera, a succulent plant species. Traditionally used to treat skin injuries, aloe vera is a great anti-inflammatory and has wound healing properties. Its abundance of vitamins C and E are the reason it’s like magic for the skin.

Skin-softening sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn plant with orange berries and green leaves

(Image: Pixabay)

Hippohae rhamnoides (also known as sea buckthorn) seed oil is a red-orange oil derived from sea buckthorn plants. It is widely used in skin and hair products as it is packed with vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids. We used it in our Pro-Ageing Collagen Face Cream, because of its amazing benefits.

It helps with blood circulation and reduces the signs of ageing by repairing oxidative damage. This damaged is cause by an increased number of oxidants, leading to inflammation. This ingredient also contains plant sterol, which smooths the skin texture and boost skin elasticity.

The most valuable component of the plant is the oil that comes from the seeds and berries. You can use this oil at home in sauces or dressings, and you can actually eat the fruit at home, only if you like sour foods. However, using it within skincare products is how you are going to achieve that smooth, clear skin texture. It’ll heal any blemishes, without drying your skin.

The beauty of our Pro-ageing Collagen Face Cream

As we always point out, this is Pro-Ageing, not Anti-Ageing. We’re all about ageing happily, not chasing an unrealistic dream. As well as all these amazing ingredients, our product comprises scents of apricot, and light coconut oil. All of this goes towards elevating your experience when using our face cream.

Hopefully, you can see how we’ve packed our Pro-Ageing Collagen Face Cream with ingredients that are going to make a visible difference to the tone and texture of your complexion. And you feel confident in understanding the products you’re putting on your skin.

If you’re looking to re-energise and smooth your skin, the Pro-Collagen Face Cream is perfect to add into your routine.