Ever pondered going on a retreat but never been sure if it’s worth the time or money?

Spending time on a retreat isn’t just for fun – there are a whole host of other health benefits too. Time to have a retreat re-think.

1. It’s a chance to disconnect with technology

How often do we get a chance to put our phones down and get out of the world of technology? Sure, holidays. But how often do you need your phone for directions…? Or to find the nearest restaurant? At a retreat everything’s thought out for you, no need to pick up the phone for anything other than taking pics of the pretty views. And even then you could use an actual camera.

But what’s the benefit? A technology detox can help improve your sleep, reduce stress and anxiety – no notification watching, increased productivity (no more ‘doom scrolling’), and improved mindfulness, perfect for a retreat.

2. The best time to reconnect with yourself

Lady sitting alone on a rock in a beautiful spot full of trees, meditatingGoing on a retreat can give you the time and space you wouldn’t normally have to reflect and some much-needed perspective on your life. Stepping away from your standard routine can help shake things up in your mind, give you clarity and maybe help you make some better-informed decisions and maybe start thinking about those goals you shoved to the back of your mind.

So, is this really beneficial? Yes, taking the time to connect with yourself, give you the opportunity to listen to what you body and mind really need. Staying in touch with your needs and wants can help prevent burnout keeping you happy and staying creative.

3. You get to meet likeminded people

lots of people in a park doing yoga on a sunny dayWhat better way to meet people than at a retreat where you’ll be partaking in the same activities? So, fairly safe to say those people will have similar interests, right? A retreat is a great place to meet new people, build a community that can offer inspiration and encouragement from others, and build on relationships to really connect with others.

But how important is it to make new friends? Well, new pals can teach us new things, help pull you out of your comfort zone by trying new things, freshen up our lives with new faces, and bring more joy into your life. You’re never too old to make new friends!

4. Learn new skills

With a lot of retreats you’ll get to test out new activities and skills as well as improving on ones you already have. Whether that be a yoga retreat, or maybe a meditation retreat, you’ll either improve on something you know or learn something new.

Why is learning new skills so important? This sort of activity improves brain health, mental health, and memory. And at any age, it’s so important to look after our minds, keep them strong, keep them learning, and keep them improving all the time. Never too late to teach an old dog new tricks… or whatever they say.

5. Go home feeling refreshed, ready to face new challenges

a piece of paper with burnout and balance written in a list with tick boxes next to eachother and a hand holding a penIt can be hard to face the difficulties of day-to-day life and to not to feel trapped by our routines and responsibilities. Going on a retreat can help to break the cycle and give you a fresh outlook, ready to face the ‘real world’ again. At a retreat you can recharge your batteries, shake up your perspective and make tackling challenges new and refreshed.

What about relaxation and the effect it has? Taking the time to relax and engage in self-care at a retreat can help reduce stress, anxiety, and improve overall well-being which will help with energy levels.

6. A retreat is different to a holiday

‘And how?’ we hear you ask. Well, unlike just jetting off to the first holiday location you think of and holiday managing 24/7, retreats are already tailored and planned. No wondering what to do next, no thinking about what to eat to lunch. Retreats give you the rare opportunity to completely let go and hand over control, giving you the time and space to focus on import things like reflection and relaxation.

Retreat getaways are aimed at taking care of you, they are planned and purposeful and a rare break from our unpleasant routines.

7. Being surrounded by nature helps you unwind

Most retreats (that we’ve found) are normally held in beautiful spots that are nature-driven. Studies have shown that being surrounded by nature helps lower stress levels, blood pressure and heart rate down, and that’s just after a walk through nature.

So, why should you get on the nature band wagon? Well, spending time in nature has proven to improve mental, emotional and physical health, which can help people to tackle life’s challenges head on, bounce back, avoid burnout, keep healthy relationships and many more.

8. Retreats can be cost-effective

We know that looking at that overall price can be a sight for sore eyes, but have you thought about how much you end up spending? Sure, you pay the hotels and flights upfront but what about when you’re there? Car rental? Taxis? Eating out? And let’s not forget all those hidden hotel and airline fees.

Good thing about retreats is that all the activities, food and accommodation are included in the pricing. And once you break down each meal, activity and night-by-night stay, a lot of retreats actually work out well, pricing wise.

9. Retreats within the UK are better for the environment

Not only do a lot of people like vacationing within the UK (much to our surprise), but by staying within the UK, you lower your carbon footprint by travelling less far. Bonus points if you get a train or a coach.

But in all seriousness the European Union’s Transport and Environment Department flying is responsible for 5% of all global warming with its CO2 emissions, water vapor trails and lots of other gasses. So, this getaway, why not staycation and stay within the country and be global warming conscious.

10. And finally… You get experts guiding you

On retreats, whatever you do; yoga, meditation, a spiritual journey, you’ll be guided by experts. People who are there to help you understand, learn, and develop new skills. They teach you skills that you can take with you long after the retreat is over.

These skills that professionals teach you could help you improve your mental and physical well-being. Often, sessions in retreats are in accordance with your needs and will enable you to improve a skill you already know or learn a new one with ease.

Retreats are beneficial, not just to the mind and body, but for relationships, new skills and much more.

And where can you find a retreat that has all these benefits and more?

With one of our very own Silver Retreats. Our next Silver Retreat is the Midsummer Solstice of 2024 held at West Lexham, a biodynamic farm situated in a beautiful, rural area. A retreat full of mindfulness, delicious food, chances to connect with nature, yoga, and much more.

Get all those retreat benefits with one of our retreats, and keep an eye out on our site for even more retreats!